Saturday 21 January 2012

First words from Thailand.

Hey everyone. So here is a little something about our trip to Southern China. It's probably mainly going to be pictures and videos from me(Mikkel) and not to many words. They say a picture says more than a 1000 words but in my case i'll be satisfied with a couple of hundreds as long as I don't have to write a lot... So here comes a few of the first pictures and videos from Bangkok. Not too many yet and most likely won't be at any time during the trip due to lack of proper internet and more importantly effort to look for it. Still that's just me speaking. Maybe Mikele is gonna be super efficient. Let's hope.

So here is the temperature on my ride in from the airport some 30 or 40 km away from the final destination. Very fortunate the sun wasn't shining... Very unfortunate it was when I went back to get Mikele 2 days later.

Here is a lizard just minding it's own little business when those damned pick-the-days-trash-out-of-the-canal people came by and disturbed with their crave for cleanliness.
And here a video of the same:

Thais drive on the left side of the road. So does tourists on bikes. And after seeing this sudden chaotic parking manouver they feel lucky they were in the right spot at the right time somewhere else...

Mikele Putting his bike together in the squeaky clean Bangkok airport.

After the ride back from the airport we had developed a rather healthy appetite and Mikele just wanted to eat the first thing we were served.

Cat chilling on umbrella. Scabies chilling on cat.

How to lock your car properly. A tutorial from Bangkok.

A little building site I liked.