E-Bike Fun

Hey ya'll.
For a while now my mind has gradually been steering more and more towards being completely consumed with bikes and electricity. And the two put together. So I thought I needed a little place to share my thoughts and pictures and other useless bits and bobs...

I was lucky enough to smash my knee in the spring of 2011. Here I say lucky because I at that time was lucky enough to be a spoiled brat (29 years old) who had parents who paid my accident insurance when I wasn't in the country to recieve the bill. And what do you know. Insurances actually pays off sometimes... I recently received (November 2012) a nice little sum of money for having a fat guy fall down on my leg during a punk concert. The Lord works in mysterious ways...
The reason for me blabbing along about my knee and insurances is of course because the money I got goes straight into funding this little new hobby of mine.
So I already got two bikes going (December 2012) and I'm loving it loving it loving it.

Here's a bit about the bikes... Keep in mind that every project I undertake is an ongoing one. But usually nothing happens to my projects after my initial test ride. If it works it works but there's a lot of loose ends that I'll eventually fix (probably not).

On-One Inbred Mountain Bike

Christiania Cargo Bike

Hopefully more will be added in the near future. I'm thinking of sacrificing my other knee...

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